Friday, February 16, 2007

Inside the CIA in - inside the Culinary Institute of America. =)

Following the popularity of shows like Top Chef and Hell's Kitchen that feature culinary competitions and authors like Michael Ruhlman who have helped to bring the public eyes into the world of culinary is featuring webisodes and student blogs of 4 chefs in training at the famous CIA (Culinary Institute of America).
Check out Inside the CIA

1 comment:

Mrs. Smong said...

I am addited to Top Chef (and Project Runway) but Hell's Kitchen really turned me off. As much as I like food and the art of cooking it really made me sad to see how mean that British guy was to the contestants on the show. Also, it was so disheartening to see that so many "trained" chefs cut corners when they are stressed, and serve food that they know is sub-par. Cook with passion, even if it takes longer than the 15 minutes you are alloted !!! I can't wait for Tea to come back and make me her resident foodie and guiena pig. I dream of fun dishes like her Beet Green Gratin and Barbacoa !!!