Monday, March 19, 2007

Ferment Failure

I should have taken pictures but I've been a little disappointed with my baking this last month, so not much to report.

I tried to make sourdough wheat bread - but it turned out pretty dense and didn't have very good flavor. The ferment made with wheat got hard on the top - and I wasn't sure if it was because I had put it in a plastic container that wasn't air tight (because I wanted the CO2 to be able to expand somewhere and not "blow up" the container).

So the following week - I "fed the ferment" with regular white flour vs. wheat flour. After a week - the ferment was looking good...but didn't smell right, so rather than chance it, I tossed it into the garbage.

Since the sourdough wasn't as successful as hoped, I think that I'm going to stick to regular white bread. That one I've got down pat!!

I've been dubbed the "Bread Lady" by some - so I've got to maintain my rep!! (Contrary as I am - the more people expect my bread, the less inclined I am to make it!) But - if I continually try something new, it will keep me challenged and looking forward to the next week's experiment!

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