Friday, March 29, 2013

Tea, Water and...

A friend of mine recently told me about her participation in the Kaiser Medical Weight Loss program.  I almost didn't recognize her!  I don't know the numbers but she now weighs the same amount she did when she was in the 6th grade!  And she is still needs to lost 3 more pounds according to her advisors - way to go M!  Congratulations!

Although I don't think that I'm ready to go on such a drastic program just quite yet - I wanted to borrow a tip from her.  Kaiser recommends that you drink one GALLON of water each day to help your body detox and to keep you feeling full and well hydrated.  (One gallon is 128 ounces of water.)

Other medical sites/references recommend that you drink at least 1/2 of your body weight.  IE - 140lbs...drink 70 oz of water.  My naturopathic doctor recommended that I drink at least 100 ounces of water. (Apparently caffeinated drinks do not count towards this - so no black or green tea or coffee for me!)  You can also theoretically drown yourself by drinking too much water, a condition called hydro-toxicity...but I doubt I'm anywhere close to that.

That's a LOT of water...

I'm trying this new strategy this's only sort of cheating I think.  =)  I'm bringing brewed herbal or white tea (1% caffeine and good antioxidants as well).  It helps to make the water more palatable and I'm using this cool Teavana Tea Pitcher to help me to transport and TRACK how much water I've consumed.  Each pitcherful contains 66 ounces of liquid.  One pitcher plus my handy nalgene bottle make nearly 100 ounces for the day.

The only downside guessed it.  What comes in must go out...I'm running out for bio-breaks roughly every hour.  But I just think of all those extra steps that I'm getting into my day (and off my bum)...and flushing out all those lovely toxins.

Fairly simple...and delicious!  Just thought that I would share!

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